Phi Zeta Research Emphasis Day
The Phi Zeta Research Emphasis Day is an opportunity for our entire community to be engaged in a discussion of research and to foster the objectives of Phi Zeta and the School. The structure of this morning’s program is such that it allows everyone to participate. Classes are canceled, and the Veterinary Teaching Hospital is closed except for emergencies.
Veterinarian-scientists are invited to speak to our students, graduate students, staff and faculty as a single audience. These presentations demonstrate the variety and depth of research efforts and allow for later focused discussions with other LSU scientists. Posters are presented by students, house officers, post-doctoral fellows and faculty. The presentations inform the school community and visitors of the diverse current research activities within LSU Vet Med. Posters presented by advanced studies students and professional students will be judged by a panel of scientists for awards. The growth and quality of the event is a measure of the efforts of the LSU Vet Med community and our commitment to scholarly activity at all levels.