Recent News Releases
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LSU ME Professor Designs Tentacle-Like Robot With CISIA Funding
LSU’s Center for Innovations in Structural Integrity Assurance is funding a $50,000 research project spearheaded by LSU Mechanical Engineering Assistant Professor Hunter Gilbert that will benefit local industries.

LSU Ranks Among Top 100 Universities Worldwide Granted U.S. Utility Patents
LSU ranked among the top universities worldwide granted U.S. utility patents, according to the National Academy of Inventors.

LSU Announces the 2022 LSU 100 and LSU Roaring 10
LSU is pleased to announce the list of the 12th annual LSU 100: Fastest Growing Tiger Businesses. The LSU 100 is a highly competitive program that celebrates the 100 fastest-growing LSU graduate-owned or LSU graduate-led businesses in the world. Companies must apply each year to be considered for the list.

Leaders from LSU and Southern Sign A&M Agenda
On Tuesday, Sept. 6, LSU President William F. Tate IV and Southern University President-Chancellor Dennis J. Shields were joined by Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards and Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome for the signing of the LSU-SU A&M Agenda.

Registration is Open for LSU’s Executive Education Project Management Prep Course
LSU Executive Education will offer its intensive Project Management Professional Certification Exam Prep Course on Nov. 14-17, 2022, at LSU’s Business Education Complex, 501 S. Quad Dr. The early bird registration deadline for this course is Oct. 7, 2022, and the standard registration deadline is set for Nov. 1, 2022.

Researchers at LSU Address Environmental Weathering of Microplastics, Pollutant Uptake
In a new paper by faculty and students in LSU Chemical Engineering and Chemistry published in ACS Environmental Au, the group details its research into the effects of weathering on microplastics and how it might increase pollutant uptake.

LSU and Southern University Week of Community Events
LSU Football will play Southern University on Sep. 10 at 6:30 p.m. In the days leading up to the game, there will be several collaboration events celebrating the tradition, historical significance and progress of both universities impacts on the city of Baton Rouge.

The 'Most Ridiculous' Moon Shot Ever
LSU alumnus Connor Matherne's images of the moon go viral on Reddit and Instagram.

LSU Exhibition: "Water, Water Everywhere: Control and Consequence in Louisiana's Coastal Wetlands"
LSU Libraries' new exhibition, "Water, Water Everywhere: Control and Consequence in Louisiana's Coastal Wetlands," will be on display in Hill Memorial Library from Sept. 6 - Dec. 21 and is free and open to the public.

LSU School of Kinesiology Alumnus Hired as Inaugural Tony Dungy Diversity Coaching Fellow
Brent Jackson, a 2020 graduate of the LSU Sport Management master's program and Louisiana native, has recently been named one of two inaugural Tony Dungy Diversity Coaching Fellows.