Dr.  William  Boelhower 

Adams Professor  - English

PhD: Ph.D. Marquette University

Phone: (225)578-4086

E-mail: wboelh1@lsu.edu

Office: 260 Allen


Area of Interest

Renaissance English

Atlantic Studies 


Selected Publications

Books and special journal issues published and edited

Editor, with an Introduction, of two special thematic issues on "New Orleans in the Atlantic World" of the journal Atlantic Studies, Vol.5, Nos. 2 & 3, 2008, 151-159 and 298-303.

Co-editor, Working Sites: Text, Territory and Cultural Capital (Amsterdam: VU Press, 2004).

Co-editor, Sites of Ethnicity, Europe and America (Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag C. Winter, 2004).

Co-editor, Public Space, Private Lives: Race, Gender, Class, and Citizenship in New York 1890 - 1929 (Amsterdam: VU Press, 2004).

Co-editor, Multiculturalism and the American Self (Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag C. Winter, 2000).

Editor and translator, with closing essay, of Carmine Biagio Iannace, La scoperta dell'America,

Un'autobiografia / The Discovery of America, An Autobiography. A Bilingual Edition (West Lafayette, Indiana: Bordighera Press, Purdue University, 2000).

Co-editor, Adjusting Sites, New Essays in Italian American Studies (Stony Brook, New York: Filibrary Series, Forum Italicum, 1999).

Editor, with Afterword, of Frederick Douglass, The Heroic Slave / Lo schiavo eroico. Bilingual edition. (Venezia: Supernova, 1999).

Autobiographical Transactions in Modernist America. The Immigrant, The Architect, The Artist, The Citizen (Udine, Italy: Del Bianco Editore, 1992).

Editor, with introductory essay, The Future of American Modernism, Ethnic Writing Between the Wars (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1991).

Through a glass darkly, ethnic semiosis in american literature (New York: Oxford University Press, 1986, 1993). Helvetia Press, Venice, 1984.

Translation of Antonio Gramsci, Selections from Cultural Writings, editors Geoffrey Nowell-Smith & David Forgacs (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1985; Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1985, 1992).

Immigrant Autobiography in the United States. Four Versions of the Italian American Self (Verona, Italy: Essedue, 1982).

Editor and translator, with introductory essay, of Lucien Goldmann, Method in the Sociology of Literature (Oxford: Blackwell Publisher, 1981). Telos Press, St. Louis, 1980.

Editor and translator, with Glossary of terms and concepts, of Lucien Goldmann, Lukacs and Heidegger, Towards a New Philosophy (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977, 1979).


"The Rise of the New Atlantic Studies Matrix," American Literary History, Vol. 20, No.1-2, Spring 2008, 75- 100.

"(Re)evocando la Nonna," in Quaderni del Premio Letterario Giuseppe Acerbi. Letteratura Italoamericana, eds. Simona Cappellari and Giorgio Colombo (Verona: Edizioni Fiorini, 2008), 63-66.

“Atlantic Studies: The Making of a New Paradigm,” the lead article in the newly launched e-journal Journal of Atlantic and American Studies, Vol.1, N.1, (2007) (www.jatsburia.org).

"Mnemohistory: the Archaeological Turn in the Humanities From Winckelmann to Calvino," Symbiosis, Vol.9, No.2, October 2005, 99-116.

"Shifting Forms of Sovereignty: Immigrant Parents and Ethnic Autobiographers," Prose Studies, Vol.27, No.3, December 2005, 218-34.

"Which Mediterranean Are We Talking About? Immigrant Autobiography in Italy," in The Mediterranean Reconsidered. Representations, Emergences, Recompositions, eds. Mauro Peressini and Ratiba Hadj-Moussa (Quebec: Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation, 2005), 219-34.

"A Place from Which to Speak: The Gift Economy in Williams' 'Morning,'" Paterson Literary Review, 34, 2005, 36-45.

"'I'll teach you how to flow': On Figuring Out Atlantic Studies," Atlantic Studies, Vol.1, No.1, April 2004, 28-48.

"Pushcart Economics, The Italians in New York," Public Space, Private Lives: Race, Gender, Class and Citizenship in New York, 1890-1929, eds. Wm Boelhower and Anna Scacchi (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2004), 97-110.

"Mapping the Gift Path: Exchange and Rivalry in John Smith's A True Relation," American Literary History, Vol. 15, No.4, Winter, 2003, 655-682.

"No Free Gifts: Toomer's 'Fern' and the Harlem Renaissance," Temples for Tomorrow: Looking Back at the Harlem Renaissance, eds. Genevieve Fabre and Michel Feith (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001), 193-209.

"The Mysteries of Chicago: Floating in a Sea of Signs," City Sites. Multimedia Essays on New York & Chicago, 1870s - 1930s: an electronic book, eds. Maria Balshaw, Anna Notaro, Liam Kennedy, Douglas Tallack (Birmingham: University of Birmingham Press, 2000).

"'Pago, Pago!': The Gift Principle in Contemporary Italian American Narratives," From the Margin, Writings in Italian Americana, eds. Anthony J. Tamburri, Paolo A. Giordano, Fred GardaphÈ (West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press, 2000), 372-93.

"The Dramaturgy of Witnessing: Hamlet, Douglass, and 'The Heroic Slave,'" Making America: The Cultural Work of Literature, eds. Susanne Rohr, Peter Schneck, Sabine Sielke (Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag C. Winter, 2000), 171-84.

"A Modest Ethnic Proposal," American Literature, American Culture, ed. Gordon Hutner (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), 443-454.

"Open Secrets, African American Testimony and the Paradigm of the Camp," Working Papers Series in Cultural Studies, Ethnicity, and Race Relations, Paper No. 1, published by the Department of Comparative American Cultures, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, 1998, 1-18.

"Enchanted Sites: Remembering the Caribbean as Autobiographical Tactics," Postcolonialism & Autobiography, eds. Alfred Hornung, Ernstpeter Ruhe (Amsterdam, Atlanta, GA: Editions Rodopi, 1998), 115-34.

"Scenes of Origin: Ethnographic Politics in the Whitmanian Mode," American and European National Identities, Faces in the Mirror, ed. Stephen Fender (Keele, Staffordshire: Keele University Press, 1996), 37-56.

"Ethnographic Politics: The Uses of Memory in Ethnic Fiction," Memory and Cultural Politics, eds. Amritjit Singh, Joseph T. Skerrett, Jr., Robert E. Hogan (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1996), 19-40.

"The Landscape of Democratic Sovereignty: Whitman and James Go Awalking," Modern American Landscapes, eds. Mick Gidley and Robert Lawson-Peebles (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1995), 43-76.

"Stories of Foundation, Scenes of Origin," American Literary History, Vol. 5, No. 3, Fall 1993, 391-428.

"Reading the Colonial Archaeograph," Amerikastudien / American Studies, Vol. 37, No. 2, 1992, 207-30.

"The Making of Ethnic Autobiography in the United States," American Autobiography, Retrospect and Prospect, ed. Paul John Eakin (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1991), 123-41.

"Saving Saukenuk: How Black Hawk Won the War and Opened the Way to Ethnic Semiotics," Journal of American Studies, Vol. 25, No. 1, dicembre, 1991, 333-362.

"Naming the West: Toponyms, Whitman and the Great American Novel," The American West as seen by Europeans and Americans, ed. Rob Kroes (Amsterdam: Free University Press, 1989), 203-17.

"Ethnic Trilogies: A Genealogical and Generational Poetics," The Invention of Ethnicity, ed. Werner Sollors (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989), 158-75.

"Inventing America: Towards a Model of Cartographic Semiosis," Word & Image, April, 1988, 475-97.

"Avant-garde Autobiography: Deconstructing the Modernist Habitat," Literary Anthropology, ed. Fernando Poyatos (Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1987), 273-303.

"New World Topology and Types in The Novels of Abbot Pietro Chiari," Early American Literature, Vol. 19, No. 2, Fall 1984, 153-72.

"The Brave New World of Immigrant Autobiography," MELUS, Vol. 9, No. 2, Summer 1982, 5-24.

"Antonio Gramsci's Sociology of Literature," Contemporary Literature, Vol. 22, No. 4, Fall 1981, 574-99.