
The requirements for elective courses in both the Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering BS programs are described at the targets of the links below. This includes breadth electives, technical electives, and design electives. In some cases a separate document shows the anticipated availability of elective courses for a particular semester.

2024-2025 Academic Year

Elective courses in computer engineering are intended to achieve the following:

1. Round out the design requirements of the BS degree. This is accomplished by taking a minimum
number of hours of 4xxx level EE courses designated by the division as having significant (at least
2/3rd) design content.

2. Allow students to emphasize a particular area in computer engineering by taking courses in that

Breadth Electives (3 hours required)

Refer to Flowchart for their Fall/Spring semester offerings

  • EE 3160
  • EE 3220
  • EE 3320
  • EE 3410
  • EE 3530
  • EE 3610

Design Electives (6 hours required)

Select six hours from the following courses:

  • EE 4003 (For Computer Engineering PLC only, other EE 4003 are not necessarily design electives.)
  • EE 4162
  • EE 4240
  • EE 4242
  • EE 4250
  • EE 4702
  • EE 4730
  • EE 4745
  • EE 4750
  • EE 4770
  • EE 4780
  • EE 4859

Technical Electives (6 hours required)

Group I (3 hours from Group I)

  • Any non-required 47xx course, EE 4280, EE 4625, EE 4660, any extra breadth elective
  • EE 4060 and EE 4061 – if and only if the student is pursuing Accelerated MS Program

Group II (3 hours from Group II or I)

  • EE 3060 & EE 3061, EE 3070
  • CSC 3304, CSC 3380, CSC 4243, CSC 4330, CSC 4351, CSC 4356, CSC 4444, CSC 4890
  • ENGR 4100, ENGR 4200
  • IE 3201, IE 4425, IE 4426, IE 4462, IE 4466, IE 4485, IE 4540
  • MATH 4023, MATH 4025, MATH 4065, MATH 4066, MATH 4171, MATH 4172, MATH 4200,
    MATH 4201, MATH 4470
  • ME 3333
  • ChE 4270
  • The Curricula Committee may approve other 3xxx or 4xxx level non-EE LSU courses (check
    with the UA/Chair with the current syllabus prior to enrolling the course)

Elective courses in electrical engineering are intended to achieve the following:

1. Round out the design requirements of the BS degree. This is accomplished by taking a minimum
number of hours of 4xxx level EE courses designated by the division as having significant (at least
2/3rd) design content.

2. Allow students to emphasize a particular area in electrical engineering, such as electronics,
energy, or systems and signal processing by taking courses in that area.

Breadth Electives (18 hours required)

  • Students must select courses from at least FOUR of FIVE groups
  • EE 3000, EE 3001 are special topic courses that can be breadth electives. The group to which
    a particular offering belongs depends on the topic.
    • Group 1: EE 3160
    • Group 2: EE 3220, EE 3223, EE 3232
    • Group 3: EE 3410
    • Group 4: EE 3530
    • Group 5: EE 3710, EE 3740, EE 3752, EE 3755

Design Electives (9 hours required)

Check LSU catalog for the prerequisites

EE 4002 EE 4003 (For Electrical Engineering any 4003, not just PLC.) EE 4162 EE 4240 EE 4242 EE 4250
EE 4270 EE 4288 EE 4350 EE 4412 EE 4420 EE 4422
EE 4450 EE 4460 EE 4490 EE 4586 EE 4702 EE 4730
EE 4745 EE 4750 EE 4755 EE 4770 EE 4780 EE 4786
EE 4859


Technical Electives (9 hours required)

Group I (3 hours from Group I)

Any EE 4xxx course, Extra breadth elective course

Group II (3 hours from Group II or I)

  • EE 3060 and EE 3061, EE 3070
  • CSC 4356, CSC 4444
  • ME 3133
  • MATH 4023, MATH 4025, MATH 4036, MATH 4038, MATH 4153
  • The Curricula Committee may approve other 3xxx or 4xxx level non-EE LSU courses (check
    with the UA/Chair with the current syllabus prior to enrolling the course)

Group III (3 hours from Group III or II or I)

  • ChE 4270
  • ME 3333
  • ENGR 4100, ENGR 4200
  • IE 3201, IE 4425, IE 4426, IE 4462, IE 4466, IE 4485
  • The Curricula Committee may approve other 3xxx or 4xxx level non-EE LSU courses (check
    with the UA/Chair with the current syllabus prior to enrolling the course)

EE and EEC Planned Elective Courses Fall 2024