Infrared Microspectroscopy Beamline
Beamline Description
A planar/torodial mirror pair is designed to collect 50 mrad of radiation in both
horizontal and vertical direction from the dipole chamber. Synchrotron radiation is
reflected back and down to the toroid mirror by the plane mirror. The toroid mirror
focuses synchrotron beam onto a diamond window, which is located outside the shield
wall. The beam passed through the diamond window is reflected by a small off-axis
gold-coated parabolic mirror which collimates the synchrotron beam. The collimated
beam is then fed into a FT-IR spectrometer and IR microscope. The beam collimating
optics, spectrometer and microscope are all purged with dry nitrogen gas.
End Station
The IR microscope equips with Schwarzschild Optics, which provides about 10 micron size IR beam at the sample position. Transmission and refection mode measurement are available at the Microscope. In addition to the synchrotron radiation-based measurements, FT-IR measurements with a conventional thermal source (Glorbar) are also available in transmission, reflection, and ATR mode.
Technical information of the IR Microspectroscopy Beamline
Research/Technical Contact: Orhan Kizilkaya